On this day of your life I believe God wants you to know … … that it is well to avoid the tendency to catastrophize. Stop worrying about all that could occur tomorrow. You are getting agitated about things that haven’t happened yet…and may never happen. Stay here, right here, in this moment. What is going on right […]
Archive | Challenges!
Pressing Need for Everyone to Quiet Their Egos – Scientific American
A Terrific Read! https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/the-pressing-need-for-everyone-to-quiet-their-egos/?utm_source=pocket&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pockethits
Does Your Child Need an Energy Healer? – US News.com
Changing Our Stories!
This is so important! From WhiteBison.org Elder’s Meditation of the Day – September 18 “I walk in and out of many worlds.” — Joy Harjo, CREEK/CHEROKEE In my mind are many dwellings. Each of the dwellings we create ourselves – the house of anger, the house of despair, the house of self […]
How to Treat Back Pain – Look to the Brain – Not the Spine
Looking to one of my favorite topics – Pphysical manifestations of emotional turmoil…psychoneuroimmunology and all the other fascinating mind/body connections: This incredible book, Crooked, explores the topic in a personal narrative, and a very readable format. Here’s an excerpt! https://aeon.co/essays/to-treat-back-pain-look-to-the-brain-not-the-spine?utm_source=Aeon+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ebbf96b3e4-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_09_11&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-ebbf96b3e4-69120157
The Sorrow and Shame of the Accidental Killer – New Yorker – Link
This is a phenomenal journalistic piece which explores the particular PTSD experienced by people who accidentally take another’s life. Highly recommended reading, sharing, pondering, bringing compassion… https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/18/the-sorrow-and-the-shame-of-the-accidental-killer?mbid=nl_170911_Daily_Monday&CNDID=26249229&spMailingID=11897312&spUserID=MTg2NDc2MDI4MzAwS0&spJobID=1240943615&spReportId=MTI0MDk0MzYxNQS2
The Two Wolves
The Two Wolves One evening an Elder told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.” “One is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” “The other […]
Note from the Universe for today!
Brace yourself! It’s time for more “good news, bad news.” The good news is that life is just an illusion. A playground of sorts for spiritual adventurers to learn of their divinity. Where absolutely anything can happen, thoughts become things, and dreams do come true. It’s like the ultimate test pilot’s paradise, where they can […]
Choose to change the way to perceive a problem
“The Laika don’t live by rules or ideas. If they want to change their world they don’t pass new laws, they choose to change the way they perceive a problem.” ─Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
Fears are nothing more than states of mind
On this day of your life I believe God wants you to know… …that fears are nothing more than states of mind. Napoleon Hill said that, and he was right. The moment you move into fear over something ask yourself, “Why am I making this real? What is there inside of me that drives me […]