Hospice and Death Rites

Hospice and Death Rites, Psychopomp

I am available to do end-of-life clearing for clients, work with their family and friends on end-of-life issues; and provide the energetic assistance in crossing-over which is traditional to many cultures, and based in our ancient origins. I am knowledgeable of western hospice support work as well, to better integrate the two practices for the greater benefit of my clients. A Psychopomp acts as a “death midwife”, an escort for souls entering this world into physical bodies, and for those leaving it through physical death.

For more information on what I can offer to spiritually assist families working with the death and dying process, please consult www.dyingconsciously.org. This exemplary organization has volunteers available all over the world, for family members to visit with over the phone, in times of spiritual need.

For more information on these services and any aspects of my practice please contact me.


To become a butterfly, you must be willing to give up being a caterpillar.