Archive | Addictions
Soul Retrieval
Unresolved trauma from our family of origin can cause many of our repeating patterns and puzzling issues in our daily lives. Psychology calls this dissociation. We remedy this with Soul Retrieval ~ removing the “hot button” that activates these old memories, some of which may not even be active ones, hiding from us to protect […]
How Living In The Past Fractures Your Relationships + 5 Ways To Heal
By Aletheia Luna When you reflect on your past, what do you think of and how do you feel? If you are like most people you are invigorated with distant memories of love and joy – perhaps you reflect on past romances, distant lands, old friends or small successes. But there is a flip […]
Intrusive thoughts? Try Focusing On Your Breath
Our minds are not entirely under our control. Fyodor Dostoevsky noted as much in 1863, when he penned his famous white bear observation. “Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute.” Over a century later, […]
Four things you think about too often*
You do know you talk to yourself in your mind all the time, right? Pretty much every one of us has a non-stop stream of thoughts – a mental monologue – that has a powerful impact on how we feel, how we behave, and how we live our lives. Too often, this mental monologue consists […]
You are not your Story
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know… …that you are not your ‘story.’ Who You Are is so much bigger than that. It’s okay to give up your past now. Most of us have a story about how we got to be the way we are, about what it’s […]
10 Lies Everyone Accepts As Truth
By Jesse Herman We go through life with belief systems. Some of these beliefs deal with external forces, such as government and corporations. Other belief systems are internal, propelling ourselves one direction or another. Right now I want you to take the opportunity to see if some of these truths listed below are […]
8 GREAT Reasons Not To Watch The News
by Andrea Schulman The news used to provide a positive function for society. Before the internet and smartphones, the nightly news provided the only connection that many people around the world could have on a consistent basis. Today, we are much more connected, and the news is no longer necessary. Beyond that, the news […]
The Drama Triangle
The Drama Triangle was a concept invented in the 1960s by Dr. Stephan Karpman, to describe in the simplest possible terms the screwed-up psychological roles that people play in habitual, dysfunctional relationships. The three roles are: Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer. The titles are pretty self-explanatory, but just to review…the Victim is the person who is […]
why we walk the path of the wounded healer . . .
“The healing of our present woundedness may lie in recognizing and reclaiming the capacity we have to heal each other, the enormous power in the simplest of human relationships: the strength of a touch, the blessing of forgiveness, the grace of someone else taking you just as you are and finding in you an […]