5 Easy Ways To Follow Intuition


By Andrea Schulman|

Many people believe that only a handful of us have psychic abilities.  In actuality, all of us have a built-in psychic ability: our intuition.  With a little practice, you can strengthen the connection you have with your intuition and come to really rely on it.

If you are trying to create a better life for yourself, your intuition is the very best source to turn to for guidance. It always knows the right answer, and if you listen to it, you will always be guided in the direction you need to move in to manifest your dreams.

There are a variety of ways to communicate with your intuition. If you are interested in improving this connection it is best to try a few different techniques to find the ones that resonate with you the most.  With that being said, here are 5 easy ways to follow your intuition:



1) Ask your body


When you are uncertain on which way to proceed in life, ask your body!

For example, if you have been offered a job but you’re not sure if you should take it, sit down and close your eyes.  Take a few breaths and wait until you are calm and still.  Next, deliberately ask your body if you should take the job and then imagine yourself accepting the job.  With your eyes still closed, do a mental scan of your body to pay attention to how it feels.

Your intuition will cause some sensations in your body.  A “yes!” answer will literally feel good.  Your body will be buzzing, you will get the goosebumps or you will feel excitement in your heart.  A “no!” answer will feel bad. You will feel drained, achy or have a knot in your stomach.

2) See the signs

Another thing you can do is look up for signs in your environment.

For example, if you are in the middle of a conversation with your friend and it is getting tense, you might look up to see what your vision is immediately drawn to.  If you were to see a stop sign or a “proceed with caution” sign you could interpret this as your intuition’s way of encouraging you to stop the conversation or to tread lightly.

There are no accidents, so signs are placed in your line of vision for a reason.  Trust that  during the times you really need guidance, the signs and signals you are drawn to are there to provide you with clues, warnings or support.

3) Pick your “lucky” signs


Another similar way to communicate with your intuition is to identify your lucky signs.

Maybe it will be numbers like 12:12 or 3:33 on the clock.  Perhaps you really like four-leaf clovers, butterflies or a particular brand of car.  Close your eyes and ask your intuition to show you your chosen lucky signs when you are headed on the right path.

Whenever you see (or hear of) these lucky signs you now will know that you are receiving positive reinforcement from your intuition.  Good luck signs are like little “winks” from the universe, letting you know that you are making good choices.

4) Ask and let go

If you need an answer to a question that is more complex than a simple “yes or no,” simply ask your intuition for the answer!

Sit down, close your eyes and think intently on your question for at least a minute.  Then, let it go!  Move on to something else.  Trust that your intuition will provide an answer for you.

You may get a great idea while you are driving, or in the shower or in the middle of a conversation.  This idea will literally pop into your head out of nowhere.

5) Sleep on it

Dreams are a fantastic vehicle for communicating with your intuition.

The best way to implement this strategy is right before you go to bed.  As you close your eyes and head off to sleep, think intently about the question you have for your intuition.

You may get your answer in the middle of a dream and remember it when you wake up.  It’s also quite possible that you won’t remember your dreams at all, but the next morning you will just know what to do.

It’s always a good idea to “sleep on it” when you have big decisions to make.  In your dream state you are highly connected with your intuition.

Each of these strategies is easy to implement and can be a lot of fun! In time, you can develop a superior connection to your intuition. You will find that instead of obsessing about your questions and dilemmas, you will be more in the flow of asking for and receiving guidance quickly and easily.

Finally, when you receive the answers that you need or feel a connection with your intuition, take a moment to express gratitude for the guidance.  The more you think about and appreciate the help your intuition has provided to you, the more easily you will receive the help that you want in the future. The universe will always reward a thankful heart.

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