5 Magnificent Things You’ve Already Manifested In Your Life


By Andrea Schulman| Because your thoughts create your reality with the Law of Attraction, you are literally responsible for everything you have experienced in life.  You’ve attracted every single person, event and circumstance.

Though some of what you have created has perhaps disappointed you, there are many more magnificent things you’ve manifested in your life.  Without even trying, you have already created some things that put you into the category of being a master creator.

Your thoughts, beliefs, expectations and actions have drawn each of these items to you, whether or not you realized it in the moment.  You have many reasons to be impressed by your ability to create wonderful things!  Here are 15 wonderful things you have manifested into your life with the Law of Attraction. 

1) Every sunny day you’ve ever experienced.

2) Every smile you’ve ever received from another person.

3) Every beautiful sunset you’ve ever watched.

4) Every starry night you’ve ever seen.

5) Every moment of laughter or comedy you’ve ever enjoyed.

6) Every act of kindness you’ve ever witnessed or received.

7) Every beautiful piece of music you’ve ever listened to.

8) Every piece of knowledge you’ve ever learned.

9) Every delicious bite of food you’ve ever taken.

10) Every “I love you” you’ve ever heard.

11) Every good night’s sleep you’ve ever had.

12) Every adorable baby or child you’ve ever seen.

13) Every warm hug you’ve ever felt.

14) Every friend you’ve ever had.

15) Every family member you’ve ever cherished.

So, if you ever feel that you aren’t creating enough “good things” in your life, take a moment to reflect.  You are already a master creator; you have manifested countless treasures already!  Be proud of what you have achieved, and believe in your ability to attract beauty, love, fun, and magnificence-because there is evidence of it all around you.

About the author:  This article was written by Andrea Schulman.

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To become a butterfly, you must be willing to give up being a caterpillar.