Archive | Career

Old is New

Old Is New | Janet Amalia Weinberg | January 2015 – Issue 15 | Forty-five years ago, my generation was involved in the Women’s Movement – in fact, we were the Women’s Movement. Now, in our sixties and seventies, we’re at the age when women typically have been seen as over-the-hill, too old to matter. […]

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Which Powerhouse Are You?

Which Powerhouse Are You? January 2, 2015 What Makes You so Invaluable? A powerhouse personality is how you behave, lead and manage at work. Although women can be as different as snowflakes, the powerhouses exhibit several main characteristics. Whether consulting with Fortune 500 firms, IPOs, pre-IPOs, start-ups, not-for-profits or private firms, women generally subscribe to […]

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To become a butterfly, you must be willing to give up being a caterpillar.